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I bet it just feels like last week when you made your New Year Resolution to eat healthier, become more active, and finally get fit, doesn’t it?

Do you realize that Halloween is less than 3 weeks away?

7 weeks until Thanksgiving

79 DAYS until Christmas!!

and 12 weeks until New years Eve?

Are you asking yourself “Where did the hell did the year go?!?!?!”

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With the holidays, comes holiday weight gain for many people.  So that you are not making the same New Year Resolution as you say good-bye to 2014 and ring in 2015, why not get a handle on your life now.

Whether you need to lose 50-100 pounds or 10-15 pounds. My FREE Holiday Survival Guide can help you get through the next few months with the common “Holiday Creep”.  You know the Holiday Creep don’t you?  It’s where you go to a party and have a little food and drink and somehow gain 2 pounds, seemingly overnight.  Then there’s another party, and another and without even realizing it, between the time Labor Day is over and New Years day arrives, you’ve GAINED 15 pounds or MORE!

Let me tell you, I KNOW ALL ABOUT WEIGHT GAIN.  I have lost and gained weight over and over more times than I can count.  All of my life, I battled with my weight, ever since I was a baby.  As a young child, I was bullied throughout school because I was the FAT KID.  As a teen and into my young adult life, I was the morbidly obese teen, no longer just the fat kid.  And I continued that into my adult life.  I tried so many diets, and I’d have some success, but never long term and I would lose a little weight, but I would ALWAYS gain it all back AND THEN SOME!


Use the link below to sign up to receive my tips on preventing the Holiday Creep. Make sure that you check your inbox for the confirmation link and confirm your request for my Free Holiday Survival Guide.

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