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Here is South Florida, it’s already summer, the rest of the country just hasn’t caught up yet! Summer, for all of us will be here before you know it!

Are you “WISHING” for a fit body to jump into Summer with? I’m not talking skinny, I’m talking strong. There’s a big difference. Skinny does not mean fit, it does not mean i wishyou’re healthy, guess what, neither does being what society perceives as overweight! Someone can be skinny and very unhealthy and someone can be overweight and very fit! Strong is in, strength is what you want, endurance, building muscle and being happy while you’re doing it!!

Stop wishing and start doing. Stop “trying” to find time and MAKE time for YOU. For so many, many years, I wished; “I wish I could look like that” when I’d see a beautiful elegant woman, who was out and having a good time, laughing with her friends “I wish I could laugh like that.”

I wished and wished and wished. Wishing didn’t get me anywhere! NO!!

INSANITY®You know what got me from wishing to succeeding? To leaving the abusive relationship, to moving 1200 miles away, to starting a weight loss journey, the one that would be my last ever “DIET”. The one where I went from close to 400lbs, to losing 260 lbs and to being that person I had always “wished” for!!

Taking control, taking a step into the unknown, walking away from people who were toxic in my life and refusing to listen to the voices that had been ingrained in my head telling me “You can’t, you’re not good enough.” I stopped wishing, stopped letting the fear paralyze me and I started doing. What are you waiting for? Start DOING today! I am a Certified INSANITY Instructor. You don’t need a gym, you don’t need anything but you, your grit and determination and you need me. Let’s get moving!!!!!!

I didn’t have anyone back then to guide me. As the fat kid in school, no one stood up for me. As the obese teen, I was bullied and tormented. I was thrown away by my parents, and ended up living in a group home until I aged out. Things continued to get in my path, I made decisions which looking back, I would have made differently, but I was a different person then. The more that things happened to me, the more I used food as my source of comfort and the more I withdrew from the world and into myself. My story is long, I’ll tell you if you’d like to know. What is most important, most imperative is that you know that I understand, I know what you are going through. I know the pain, I know the fear, I know…I’ve been in your shoes.

I became a Certified Life Coach because I now get to help others who are very much like I was. People who think that there isn’t anyone who could possibly understand, who couldn’t know what I was experiencing. And while it’s true, no two lives are the same, I can still relate on a multitude of levels to what so many others experience.

SAN_Certified_eBadgeI became a Certified INSANITY® Instructor, to help you get fit, to get in the best shape of your life. And I didn’t just become a Certified INSANITY® Instructor, I became an INSANITY® ProTeam member, to help you move past the obstacles that are in your path, kick them to the side and once and for all succeed and live your dreams! What are your dreams? What’s holding you back?

Here’s your opportunity, I’m giving you 1 hour of my time. Yes, I am giving YOU 1 hour of my time, no commitment, no charge, nothing, nada. I am giving you ME, my wisdom, my knowledge, my honest feedback. For 30 minutes (more if necessary) we’ll talk about you, your goals, what you think your obstacles are and then we’ll take 30 minutes (less if necessary, or more depending on you) to determine your fitness level, we’ll do a “Fit Test.” It’s just you and me, there’s nothing to be afraid of, I can come to you, or you can come to me. OR WE CAN DO THIS LONG DISTANCE, VIA SKYPE OR FACETIME!!!!

So it’s time for you, isn’t it? It’s time to stop the wishing and start the doing. Let’s get moving today! Call me 406-27-COACH, text me or email me using the contact button on the left of your screen. I can’t wait to hear from you!!


02-28-13 Robbyn Headshot     Robbyn Ackner July 2004