It’s my anniversary and I’m inviting you to the celebration!!

Plus, I’m the one who is GIVING GIFTS! Click here to sign up right now.

January 5, 2005 is the day that I changed my mind. It was the one thing I’d never done before and while looking back now, it is so very clear to me. But 10 years ago I was in a very dark place. I had just left a terribly abusive relationship, I was deeply depressed and I gained all of the weight back, that I had worked so hard to lose. I felttunnel like I was in a black tunnel, with no end in sight and there were times when I would see a glimmer of light, but would be afraid to believe in it. Then the light would get a little brighter, a little closer and I’d start to believe that this time, YES! This time things would be different and before I knew it WHAM! That door would slam in my face and I would plunge back into the darkness.


Does any of this sound familiar? I’ve no doubt that there are many people who can relate that feeling of being hopeless and helpless. And, you’re always looking for the answer, which seems to ALWAYS be just out of reach. Are you ready to ditch that old feeling? Click here to sign up right now.


Here’s the thing…there’s a lot in life that you can’t control. You can’t control other people, but you can control the people you allow in your life. You can’t control the actions of others, but you can control your reaction to them. You can control YOU. The answer you are looking for is right there, inside of you! Whatever it is that you want to controldo for yourself, to change for yourself, to make different, to start, to stop, to do…you have the ability to make this happen.


Here’s what I am going to do for you, because I know that there’s a lot of people who need it. I needed it and I didn’t have it. I’m a partner, a mentor, a coach, a weight loss expert, an accountability partner, a consultant, a teacher, a leader. I am the person who you can call at 7am because you didn’t sleep well, the kids are driving you crazy, you’re trying to get them off to school and yourself off to work and it’s just so much easier to grab your kids leftover pop tart, instead of getting your day off to a good start with a healthy breakfast. I am the voice of sanity, the voice of reason, the voice that tells you YES YOU CAN, when everything in your head is screaming “YOU CAN’T!! “


Here’s the truth…those voices that are screaming in your head, telling you that you can’t, that you’re not good enough, you’re not skinny enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not worthy…they are all LYING! LIARS!! Those voices are liars! FEAR IS A LIAR! If you’re tired of fear holding you back Click here and sign up right now. fear-is-a-lie

So what makes me so special that every so-called expert you’ve paid hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to over the course of many years? I am you. I’ve walked in the same shoes that so many of you are walking in now. It took me 43 years to figure out that the answer I looked for everywhere else, in everyone else, was right there, inside of me. I had the answer the whole time, I just let those voices drown the answer out. I am here to help you figure out your answer. Do you want the answer? Click here and sign up right now.


As I said, today is my anniversary, it’s 10 years since I changed the conversation that was going on in my head. 10 years of leaving an abusive relationship, where there is no doubt in my mind, if I didn’t leave, he would have killed me. 10 years of living in that black tunnel, the one with no escape, to a life filled with bright light, with happiness, with health and finding the most incredible love of my life. 10 years of freedom from the morbidly obese body that kept me trapped in that dark depression. Oh and by the way, no, I did not have weight loss surgery. I lost 250+ pounds the good old fashioned way, the right way, the only way. 10 years has passed, yet it feels like it was only yesterday.


On Thursday, January 8, 2015, I invite you to join me in a conversation. I invite you to tell me what it is that you want to work on and what you think, or what you believe is stopping you from moving forward. I invite you to hear my story, to listen to my take on life, to connect with my thought process and I invite you to use it, to use my knowledge, to make the positive changes that you want and to make them now. You youre-invited-fishwill be my guest, there is no cost to join me in this conversation. Then, in 10 days, on Thursday, January 15, 2015 you will have an opportunity to join me live, in person, in a small group with 10 people who have made a commitment to themselves, to yourself to change. Commit to change…whatever that change may be. If you are in on the conversation, I’m also going to give you a special gift, where you get an all access pass to me. If you resolve to evolve and commit to change, I will make the commitment to you, to be there, when you need me, day or night.


There is one thing I need to tell you though. I won’t promise that change will come easy…there are times when it truly is hard work. And, there might be times when you don’t like me, because I am not saying what you want to hear, instead, I am saying what you need to hear. But, know this, I want you to succeed, I want you to achieve your dream and I am not going to tell you a bunch of baloney and I am not going to tell you that you don’t have to work hard. change is uncomfortableI will promise you this…IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT. In the end, when you are successful, you will look at your success, at the changes that you’ve made, at how your thought process has evolved and you will know that all of that hard work was worth it.


Are you with me? Click here and sign up right now. Oh and for the first 10 people who sign up, there’s an even better gift coming your way.   I’m here and I’m ready, let’s get this party started!


Make sure you check your inbox and click the confirmation link.

I look forward to speaking with you!